- Training Initiatives
I. Call to Order
Ruth Jones called to order the meeting of the Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & Misconduct (CCSRM) at 1:00 PM on Monday, March 20, 2017, in the Galarza Room (260) of the Library.
II. Members Attending
Elizabeth Wu, Anne Schell, Heather Lukes, Marianne Frapwell, Dana Michels, Olivia Sabins, Vivian Garay Santiago, Ruth Jones, Eliza Diliberti, Anitra Terrell
III. Training
Dana Michels, Program Coordinator & Prevention Education Specialists gave a presentation on several training initiatives and led the discussion.
A. Questions the committee raised for discussion:
1. There are only two-mandated student trainings, after that only once a year, should we mandate training for upperclassman?
2. What are the most vulnerable weeks or times of the year for students? The first two weeks of their first year? How can we utilize upperclassman to be the messengers during this time and beyond?
3. What are the old traditions we can bring back to 色情视频? Amy Hill might know.
4. Could we add verbiage regarding responsible employees to the syllabus? Disabilities services info already there.
5. Is IPO having conversations with LGBT students traveling abroad? What has been done thus far?
6. How do faculty and staff envision their role in prevention at 色情视频?
a. Incorporate training for students who are in an employee role: interns, student workers ECT.
B. Presentation and Discussion
1. "Think about it" modules for first year students
- First year students get the longer version
- Returning students go through a different set of modules
- Students must take the online modules in order to register for class
- Work with IPO to train students going abroad
2. Prevention training
- Mandatory 1-1 陆 hour in upstander training orientation
- Training that covers how to support people who have experienced trauma
- Prevention workshops and programing with the Greek letter orgs to identify 1-point person to work with staff to facilitate smaller group discussions once trained.
3. Departmental training
- Campus Safety: Currently trained once a year as first responders would be ideal if they underwent training twice a year
- Distinction between voluntary vs mandatory training. Should more mandatory trainings be added with staff and or upper classman?
- Ideas: look for organic ways to bring in more juniors and seniors into training and be bystanders in and outside of 色情视频
IV. Upcoming Programs and Ideas for New Programing
1. Take back the week 4/3-4/7
- Series of workshops, panel discussions and speakers to raise awareness for sexual assault and empowerment
- Sample events: self-defense training, legislative policy panel, and interactive video shoot
2. Cross-cultural training (new idea)
- Create specific programing and partnerships with a focus on Asian American students and International students overall) help with language and terminology like upstander for example.
3. Hook up Culture (new idea)
- Collaborate with 色情视频 professor who researched hook up culture for potential programing ideas or insight