
If you need help completing forms, feel free to contact our office.

If you are a prospective student and are interested in applying for financial aid, please visit for entering first-yearsfor transfers, or for international students. You can also easily link to the , , and  applications. 

If you are a current student and are interested in applying or re-applying for aid, visit re-applying for aid on our website. 


  • Please only complete forms that have been requested by our office. You are not required to complete all forms.


2025 - 2026 Forms
Asset Confirmation Form
CSS Profile Waiver Request for the Noncustodial Parent
Citizenship & Eligible Non-Citizen Affidavit
Elementary Secondary Tuition Expense Form
Identity & Statement of Educational Purpose
Funds Authorization - Student
Funds Authorization - Parent
Non-Tax Filer Statement
Parent Educational Loan Expense Form
Verification Statement - Dependent Student
Verification Statement - Independent Student


2024 - 2025 Forms


Contact Financial Aid
Office of Financial Aid

AGC Room 119
1600 Campus Road F-35
Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314