
Campus Safety Recommends you take the following precautions to protect yourself and your modes of transportation.

Vehicle Safety

Auto theft is a problem nationally as well as an occasional problem on campus.  Take action to safeguard your vehicle:

  • Always lock your car. Whether you leave your car for a minute, several days, or overnight, always roll up the windows, lock it and take the keys. Secure your car with an electronic alarm, kill switch, or steering wheel-locking device
  • Keep valuables out of sight. Never leave anything inside you vehicle. Lock your things in your trunk
  • Never leave any personal identification, keys or credit cards anywhere in the vehicle
  • Park in well-lit areas where there are plenty of passers-by
  • Purchase stereo components or cellular phone accessories that can be removed and put out of sight
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended
  • Secure your car with an electronic alarm, kill switch, or steering wheel-locking device
  • If you park your car but don鈥檛 use it regularly, check it daily
  • If you valet park in a commercial lot, leave only the ignition key and make certain that identifying information is not attached

Bicycle Safety

  • Document the serial number and keep it in a safe place, take photos of your bicycle, and engrave your name under the seat. In the event your bicycle is stolen these precautions will help Campus Safety and law enforcement in the recovery of your bicycle
  • Wear a helmet whenever you ride your bicycle. If you are under 18 years of age, you must, by law, wear a helmet
  • Follow the same rules of the road as you would when driving a vehicle. This includes stopping at intersections and giving passengers the right of way
  • Do not carry passengers unless there is an extra seat and your bicycle is designed for such use
  • Pay attention to your surroundings, warn pedestrians or fellow riders when you are passing them

Equip your bicycle for commuting

  • Make sure your bicycle is properly sized and adjusted
  • Use a white headlamp and a red rear reflector for night riding
  • Consider placing a rack over the rear wheel to transport items
  • Keep your bicycle properly maintained so it is safe. Carry a basic tool kit for unexpected roadside repairs
  • Ride predictably and maintain a steady course and speed

Keep your bicycle from getting stolen

  • Purchase and use a U-lock. Lock it every time you leave it, even if it鈥檚 for a moment
  • Put the U-lock through the frame, not just the wheel
  • Bikes may not be stored in hallways, stairwells, or along railings as they block emergency exits. Use one of the bike racks conveniently located throughout the campus.
  • Contact Campus Safety for proper storage of your bicycle during winter and summer break
Contact Campus Safety 24/7
Facilities Management Building

Fire, Paramedics, & Police: 911
(or 9-911 from a campus phone)

Contact us through the LiveSafe app